Monday, March 2, 2009

LincVolt-The Cutting Edge

Maybe a song won't change the world, but then again, maybe it will....over the weekend, Neil test drove his LincVolt. There are still issues, but as Neil said at one point, 'I don't give up'. The car drives beautifully through Wichita, like a silent white ghost through the streets....except when Neil is playing a track through the stereo and singing!!!! It is his new promo video, called 'Johnny Magic', about John Goodwin, the guy responsible for outfitting the car, an old Lincoln Continental that weighs...oh, i guess a half a ton or so....

Through the miracle of the internet, yesterday 200 people and I watched Neil drive down Douglas Avenue, making his new video, while we were commenting on the action in an attached chat room. I personally know many of the people there, having met them at rustie events. There were people from around the world...Australia, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands...and we watched as Neil made history....

Please join us. If you are a rustie, watch reports come up through rust when we are there....OR join twitter and get alerts sent to your phone or email (search LincVolt on that service). Here is the link to the live web cam in the garage...

Come and watch, even if you are not a rustie, even if you do not care for Neil Young. If you care for the earth, this is a good thing. The goal for LincVolt is Zero emissions and Zero roadside fueling. Yes, ZERO. He thinks he can do it....lets watch him as he tries....

See you there.

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