Friday, March 16, 2012

Acres Coop Gigs

I just finished a group of gigs at the Acres Co-op. I can't tell you what that is, exactly. I understand that it is a 'Co-op', though I am not sure what that means. I also am told that next time it 'opens', it will look more like a store and less like a flea market for food. I know that something that dissappointed me is the price of staples offered, such as a vendor wanting $8 for 6 organic eggs. Around here, I can get organic, free range, locally produced eggs in the Supermarket for $4/dozen. As a person that works a lot trying to get poor people to eat healthy(er), I was NOT happy about that...... but I don't know how they determine prices and I certainly don't know the answer to the problem of getting GOOD food into the city.....

But this series of gigs have got to be my FAVORITE gigs ever. Did folks stop and really listen? Nope, not reallly. They were there to shop. Did I get money in my tip jar?? Nope, I left it at home the last three times. Did I get appreciated? Sure did. By the vendors who were OH, so kind, to feed me and thank me and ask me back. By the kids who were SO attracted to this guitar playing, singing person in bright clothing, that they couldn't help but dance. Did I have help? YES, I had lots of musicians stop by and contribute their sounds, and I appreciated them all. We had sing alongs. I had a child draw a picture of me playing. It was a no stress time of sharing music, passing time, celebrating the production of real, solid, healthy foods. For SURE, a gig i will remember. But, it is all over now.


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