Wednesday, November 27, 2019

December NEWS!

Happy Thanksgiving! We truly give thanks to all our friends, fans and family!

Rick and Marilyn have a busy week coming up! And we are writing to let you know about all the happenings!

Sunday, December 1, at 7am EST, tune into 98.5 The Cat for an interview that Marilyn had with Flo Hayle for her show, 'Arts Alive'. You can also catch it on iHeartRadio. We talked about music as a healer, songwriting and getting started in music. We hope you join us!

Then from 2 - 5pm on Sunday, find us in Sheffield, Mass at Race Brook Lodge, singing holiday songs at the Barnspace Holiday Market. After fun at the Market, finish with dinner at the Stagecoach Inn!

NEXT, we return to The Chatham Berry Farm Cidery, quickly becoming a favorite venue both for performing and watching our friends play! Friday, December 6, 6-9pm. There will also be a food truck, great cider, wonderful beers, friendly folks and fire with FREE Smores. How can you beat that? We hope to see many of you there, relaxing after Thanksgiving and before the rest of the holidays set in.

And finally, Rick and Marilyn will happily entertain you while you are shopping the Hudson Winter Market, 11-1pm, December 7th.  601 Union Street.

FINALLY..... SAVE THE DATE!  Rick and Marilyn BAND will be playing at the Hudson Underground (134 Warren Street, Hudson) on January 18, our first show of the New Year!

Have a great set of holidays, and see you in 2020!

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Hello! It has been a while, I guess. Rick and Marilyn have been SO BUSY this summer with all kinds of gigs, and we want to thank you for coming out and listening and being a part of what we love so MUCH to do... Make music, and make you SMILE!

This is the second in a series of essays that I am writing about the songs on 'What's on my Mind'.

The song GONE is one that I really wish I didn't write. And, to warn, this may trigger bad things for you if you have been traumatized by a drug overdose in a loved one. It's ok to just trash this note.

As I hope you have heard by now, there is a serious crisis going on with so many people dying of heroin and other opioid overdoses. Just this past week, we had, in the tiny community that I live in, *7* ODs in about 36 hrs, and one was fatal. This is with constant education in the streets, free Narcan kits, other harm reduction strategies, and a peer to peer counseling team on-call all the time. If you have a drug problem and want help, you can go to a local police force and they will connect you with rehab right away. Or go to the ED and talk with a peer to peer counselor. We have some hope now, and we keep trying, but people continue to get hooked and continue to OD.

This story happened before all that was in place. I was working in my office when there was a commotion outside my door, with a couple of young men getting put in an empty room and a co-worker summoned to the room. The next thing I heard was the blood-curdling cry of terror from a mother being told her son just overdosed on heroin, NO NO NO NO, over and over and over and over. Those screams live forever in my mind. Along with sitting with my grieving friend a few years back, who had just lost two sons to drugs 6 months apart. And hearing story after story of mothers who tried to help and found that addiction was one thing they had no help for.

The song GONE is a tribute to those mothers. If you know someone who uses drugs, make sure you know about Narcan, and the help to be found from the police and the ED so that you can direct them there when they are ready to come back in.

Peace to all of you who read this. Hug someone who may need it today. 



Sunday, August 25, 2019

Blue Love

I have been asked many times about what prompted many of the songs on 'What's on my Mind'. Here is another essay....

Lately, I have been involved with several conversations, mostly with creative women, about the goal of having a RELATIONSHIP. Yes, many of us wonder about the societal expectation that a woman must have a partner, or they can not be a complete, whole, woman. And... many of us also are thinking.... no, we do not.

I live alone. I choose to. I have lived with others, but it never fails that I am required to give up my own interests because of my partner. People so much want to be together with a partner to share life, and in my experience, ‘together’ has frequently meant leaving mySELF behind. I have been told more than once that I love music more than the person I was ‘committed’ to, and that was even before I became a musician!

The end product of music is shared with people, including your life partner, when you are ready to share it out. But there is also a lot of time alone in the woodshed before that, learning how to use your instruments. A lot of people can’t seem to handle the facts:  a musician needs to practice (that same song, endlessly), spend time away (gigging for example), write (Don’t interrupt!) and spend long hours with other people to rehearse (no, that doesn't mean I am in love with one of them). Sometimes, I am sure it feels like being a second fiddle (pun intended). It requires a lot of trust. And finally, I have to admit, musicians overall don’t have a great reputation for fidelity.

BUT- even when we are, love can turn blue.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Musing from Screendale

There have been several weekends this summer that Rick and I have had several shows. You know, like leave this one to get to the next one, then home asap because you gotta get up and get to another in the morning... and so on. I think we thrive on it. It feels better than it ought!!! LOL

So this weekend, it happened again...

We started Thursday night at a retirement village. Yeah, most of our songs are well-known sing-along type songs there... and then, some folks just nap... and most just listen and rock or tap and then clap when the song ends. They are so appreciative, and I am finding more and more- THAT is why I like to do this. Giving people a good time that they appreciate. Yes.

On Friday, I had to spend a few hours at the place that pays the bills... and then off to a really WONDERFUL tavern, 20 Main, in Au Sable Forks, NY, up in the Adirondack Mtns. We were asked to do a 'Neil Young Tribute'. For many years, Neil Young fans, or Rusties, would gather on a piece of land and play NY music all weekend. We always played at the bar 20 Main on Friday night. Many of the people who were regulars for that weekend are now gone, but many remain... just not enough to make *it* happen. So, we scaled it down and made it a NY Tribute, although we mixed in some originals as well as the usual Rick and Marilyn covers.

What a GREAT time!!! Talk about APPRECIATION!!! A bar crowd that actually LISTENS!!!! LOL!!! What fun! We played well past our advertised stop time, just for the sheer fun we were having. Rick absolutely tore it UP channeling Neil Young, and we kept finding ways to say it again, a little differently... and it ROCKED!

It was a highlight of the summer! A great summer of music, by the way. Rick and Marilyn at all the local Farmers Markets, the Valatie Theater, The Down County Social Club, The Wine and Cheese Festival...

But... there is more! Saturday morning I had to race down home to get ready for the Hillsdale Arts walk, and a gig with my other wonderful partner, Betsi Krisniski! I got there in time to relax, take in some art offerings and food, and make more music! Even the brief storm did not stop us. I simply LOVE singing with Betsi.

And... people came over Saturday night. Betsi and Rick and Mike and more... and YES, more music happened. There were sounds that were SO GOOD, my porch (Screendale) is still vibrating with them.

I am such a lucky woman!

Sunday, July 7, 2019

July happenings!!!

Happy summer!! It is SURELY here now.... hot, humid with thunderstorms aplenty!!

Rick and Marilyn just finished an amazing weekend of music, and look forward to another next weekend!!!

We hosted the Open Mic at the Stewart House in Athens on July 4th.... what a wonderful group of people came and played and jammed! Thank you all...
We followed that with playing the Sheffield Farmers Market on Friday and the Millerton Farmers Market on Saturday. Thanks to all who stopped by and said a few words... we very much appreciate it! We often hear that people enjoy our mix of classic folk/rock covers and originals at such venues. Apparently, our set lists are perfect for the folks who like to shop at farmers markets!... and we see those same people at venues like the DCSC (Down County Social Club) at the Race Brook Lodge, downstairs from the Stagecoach Tavern in Sheffield, MA, which we played Saturday evening. It is a wonderfully intimate venue. We feel like we are just jamming for friends we just met when we play there!! FUN!

Now... to tell you what is up next weekend!!! We very much hope to see you at one of these shows!

Friday night brings us to one of our favorite places, The Main Street Public House in Philmont, NY. There is outside seating, the best burgers in the county, and a fantastic variety of local and not-so-local brews on tap!!! AND.... July 12th, 8-10pm, RICK and MARILYN!!! Come and spend some time at this wonderful venue!!! See you there....

Then Saturday, we will be at the Hudson Farmers Market, 10-12. One of the largest markets in the area, come and stock up!!! and listen to music.....
After we pack up there, we will be headed to the Copake Camp Resort for a short set at 2pm.

And then, Sunday, from 1-4pm, you can hear us Under the Tent at Love Apple Farm on 9H. Love Apple Farm has developed in recent years to a place where you can see art, pet animals, grab a (very tasty) bite to eat, followed by Janes ice cream, do your grocery shopping, gift shopping and FRESH fruits and veggie shopping.... AND listen to music!!! Rick and Marilyn will play a rocking show for you, and we surely hope to see you there!!!

I think that catches us up with Rick and Marilyn happenings! If you want a free song of ours that we often play live, A Practiced Speech, sign up for the mailing list over there..........................>>> Come to shows!!! And of course, you have heard the album??? Buy it!! Listen to it above!!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Keep the Channel Open

Last night, I wrote a song. Ok, this week, I wrote a song. One night I did words, and then last night, I found the melody. Hidden right there in the words. The best place to find a melody, you know.

That was a new process for me. I generally write in a weird way, with the music and the words, a little bit there, a little bit here, sort of all at once. And it often FEELS like I am giving birth... a slow painful birth.

But this was different. I woke up with a phrase that I thought may be a good title, going around my head. I put it into a note on my phone, and that stared at me for a couple weeks. Finally, the other night, sitting here in Screendale, I decided to see what happens. What did that little phrase want to say?

You know, when you don't write for a while, starting to write is a very scary business. Maybe it won't happen again. Maybe, and most likely, it won't be any good. But the advice from those before me has been, don't listen to the fears. That is resistance and that is your enemy. It is your enemy because it prevents you from starting. Or finishing. Resistance prevents starting and finishing. After all, I have far more half-written songs in my computer than finished ones.

So I wrote. I worked in that title phrase. I rhymed every line in the verse.... and you are not 'supposed' to do that, but the song 'called for it'. I wrote half a chorus.... which ended up being THE chorus. It pretty much was an easy exercise. I didn't struggle too much with the ideas, they were just right THERE, and most of the work was just finding rhymes. I put it away because it had to be shit, right? It didn't hurt too much to do it. It didn't feel like I was baring my soul or anything. I was just writing words. Words that rhyme.

This week, I found something on the internet. An advertisement for Spotify for Artists. Cyndi Lauper talking about the best advice she was ever given. She was told, as an artist, you will never ever be satisfied with your work. But that is not your job. Your job is to KEEP THE CHANNEL OPEN.

Now, that was a wow moment for me. My job as an artist is not to create the best I can... my JOB is only to answer the call, just do the work, create, and keep the channel open. Wow, that makes songwriting sound like, well, what it is. An expression of something that comes through. Yeah. A capture of the moment, the thought, an idea, a feeling that is going to float on by you if you don't just STOP and put it down on paper, and sing it to the trees.

So last night, I wrote the notes. Sometimes (most times, actually) I find melodies by just reciting the words until the patterns reveal themselves, and something sticks. This time, being 'rusty', I had the recorder on, to capture that certain phrase that would make it. It seemed like every time I sang the verse and chorus, it was different. It did not seem like there was a real melody there.  Nothing that jumped out at me and was memorable. I recorded 4 or 5 'versions' and then went to listen to them.

You know.... Every one of those versions, I was singing the same melody, a little different note here and there, but basically, I guess, the song was saying, hey dummy, you already got this!!!

And so I sang it though. I got those chills that you (I?) get when a song strikes true to something inside you. And then, following that sort of elation was, of course, the nearly overwhelming fear that this is just shit. Waste of my time writing, and yours for listening.

So, sing it again. Yeah, there is something here that is scary to say, some truth for me that maybe I don't want to say out loud. Something that maybe needs saying.

Tweak the words a little bit, hopefully, to bring that thing I don't want to say, a little more to the front. (Advice given in the past.... find the thing that is the deep truth and let it ring out....)

But... it fits. I think the song is truly saying what it wants to say. It is what it is, it is ringing true to what it wants to be. I think I did my job.

The channel was open.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Valatie Community Theater gig!

On May 4, 2019, The Rick and Marilyn Band, consisting of Marilyn Miller, Rick Warren, Mike Pagnani, Peter Tenerowicz and Jon B. Woodin will be hosting a show called 'An Evening with Marilyn Miller and Friends!

The Friends will be leading the line up with Betsi Krisniski, Jon B. Woodin and County Panic (Mike Pagnani, Scott Mahoney, Tim Farley and Tommy Sharp). 

Betsi is a singer-songwriter who has played with Marilyn as a duo as well as a lead part of Hudson Busk and is an amazing solo artist. Her unique guitar playing and wonderful singing will surely light up the night!!

Jon B. Woodin is known for his solo work as a singer-songwriter, as well as support for Ryder Cooleys 'Dust Bowl Faries' and the duo 'Hudson Dusters'. He has a voice and manner that brings to mind James Taylor, and is a real joy to hear.

Mike Pagnani will be bringing a new band to the show called County Panic. He plays with Hudson Busk, Beer-Stained Fiddle and is a key player on the record, 'What's on my Mind', as well as leading 'Pub Sings' at various venues in the area. 

I hope you can see that this is a night NOT TO BE MISSED!!

Valatie Community Theater

3031 Main Street

Valatie, NY

May 4, 8pm, $10 Suggested Donation


Rick and Marilyn will also be playing at the new venue, Hudson Underground Gallery next Friday at 8pm (April 19, 134 Warren Street, Hudson). Please join us there as well!!!

Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Songs: Something We Can Do

Something we can do

This song came out of my questioning the great divisions now apparent in this country, the USA.


Everything is so messed up right now, what can any one of us do? This idea that the poor are somehow responsible for the economic problems of blue collar and white collar workers is a big thing. And then, of course, the Republicans and Democrats are also hating on each other.

You’ve heard the joke, right? A rich man, a working man, and a poor man are seated at a table with 100 cookies. The rich man takes 99 cookies and says to the working guy, you better watch out, that poor man is going to steal your cookie.

I mean, really, that is, in my opinion, the absolute BEST analogy of the current situation. We are *taught* that idea on purpose. The ultra-rich, the people who own everything, they work hard to divide us. And they can. They own the means of mass communication. They have to make sure that none of us trust the ‘other’, whoever that is- poor, immigrants, gay folk. Anyone that they can get you to hate.

And the further they can break up communication among us common folk (yeah, I absolutely include professional folks in that label), the better for them. Our ONLY salvation is when we, the rest of us, the 98% of the population, understand that if we worked together, ‘they can’t stop’ us. That is the *SOME* *THING* that we can do.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

For a list of where to buy 'What's on my Mind', CLICK HERE

And you have choices on where to get it (each choice has a clickable link)

1) Come to a show

2) CD Baby is selling both digital and CDs

3) Amazon Music (digital)

4) iTunes/Apple Music (digital)

5) Bandcamp name your own price

ENJOY IT!! I think you will!

And- to help me, after you give listen, give a review... on ANY of the sites above... OR, spread a link on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram with your personal thoughts about the record. THAT is so immensely helpful. Tag me, but also tag your favorite support person... Rick Warren, Peter Tenerowicz, Mike Pagnani, Aaron Martin. They all worked so hard and they ALL sound so GOOD!

Thank you, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

CD Release Party and Digital Album Presale

CD Release Party

February 17, 2019, 6 pm

35 South 3rd Street
Hudson, NY  12534

We are gonna have FUN!! Rick Warren, Peter Tenerowicz, Mike Pagnani and Aaron Martin will be IN HOUSE, and we will be playing the complete album straight through, as well as other originals and covers, followed by a jam (bring your instruments and voices). OR Gallery and Tavern boasts excellent beer and a good, light menu, a fire and lots of friendly people (especially when we are playing!!)

I am so excited by this record, and I can't wait to let you hear it! Come CELEBRATE with us!!!

Buy from the Digital CD Presale on Apple Music or Amazon, get an extra song download NOW

To get your copy, you have choices- 1) buy digital now and get an extra song and delivery automatically on the 17th, release day, 2) buy a physical copy from CD Baby on February 17th (I'll remind you) or 3) COME TO OUR PARTY in Hudson NY!!!

Here are the links, with song previews:

AND PLEASE, if you like what you hear SHARE with your friends and family. I appreciate it SO MUCH!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2019

I Thanked Neil Young for wonderful shows in Minneapolis!!!

The story...

My friend saved me from buying anything at Nordstrom's by asking if I wanted lunch. No, but I'd appreciate the company. We hung out. Then I walked with him to near his place cause I was bored walking around here, and I went through that neat building I posted pics of today (on facebook). 

When I came back through the skyway, there was his son, Ben Young with a group of people around him.  One of those people was Neil Young, who was looking right at me when I looked at him. So, to be polite of course, I said, 'Hi Neil!'!!!!. he said 'Hi' back and smiled. I kept walking. 

But. He. Was. Right. There. My hero.

I turned around and walked past the group again. I heard Neil say as I walked past, Ok, this way, and they started down the hall behind me!!! I had just wanted to walk a ways past them and see if I could get a pic, but that was now impossible. So, I paused to look at something on the wall and collect my thoughts, got some courage and turned and walked right past them again. When I looked at Neil, he's already looking right at me. Again. (Maybe it was the NY hoodie? Or The 90 minutes I had right under his feet yesterday? Lol.) So I said something like, 'I just wanted to say, I am really enjoying these shows here in this place.' He nodded, and a big smile, and said, 'thank you very much' in that real sincere way that he says it from the stage... and we both kept walking. 


Saturday, January 12, 2019

February 17, 2019, OR Gallery and Tavern!

CD Release Party Advance Notice! Save the date!

February 17, 2019 at Ã–R Gallery and Tavern, time still to be decided (but- late afternoon/early evening)!!

We are SO HAPPY to let you know that we have decided on a place to celebrate and present the new album, What's On My Mind. OR Gallery and Tavern- our first choice- has agreed to host us and we are SO pleased! This is a big room with a lovely beer selection, tasty foods (my favorite is the grilled cheddar and tomato... but they have a nice green salad too!), a real fireplace.... A great place to hang out!

I am hoping, for those of you not local, to have some facebook live happening or other live video (are you interested in doing that for us? let us know.....). Also, I hope to have an open jam following the show, so bring your instruments!!! Lets have a PARTY!!!