Monday, August 26, 2024

Music Making!


Summer is almost gone. Rick and Marilyn are winding down their gigs for the year, with September nearly a wash out because we are both going on two week vacations... Rick in the beginning of the month, and Marilyn at the end. And that pretty much does it for playing outside in the Northeast USA, right? lol. 

I have a couple gigs while Rick is gone. My friend Tommy Sharp has agreed to sit in for Rick, and we will be doing some song that he brings to the table. I look forward to that!

And... we look for inside gigs. Your favorite bar (let them know we will email them and let us know where!). Maybe a holiday party or office party. Or even a House Concert... and I can tell you all about that so you can make a decision, as well as help you plan it!! It is FUN!!!

So these are the gigs for the rest of the month. Come out and see us!!!